Ideas to consider

Here you’ll find examples of ideas that could be included as part of the school food system project you’re designing. These are not recommended as stand-alone projects for these awards. These ideas may enhance your community engagement or project quality as components of your innovative project.

Please see Inspiration for Projects for examples of innovative, community-driven project ideas that improve the local school food system.

light bulb artwork

The ideas below can be filtered by type of project and by partners. You can select more than one category in each field. The more categories you select, the more narrow your results will be.

Taste Tests

Provide samples of local foods for students to try. If students like the item, work with the food industry to incorporate it into future meals.

Use Promotional Day Serves to Highlight Local Foods

Work with the food industry on promotional serves such as Women’s History Month, Black History Month or Hispanic Heritage Month could highlight a specific local food.