What We Fund

The Lake Michigan School Food System Innovation Hub supports people working to improve meals in schools across Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana — especially in areas that don’t have equitable access to resources.
We’re investing in ideas of all sizes and scopes. This includes both new approaches and established efforts that can expand or grow in another place.
Who We Support
We offer funding and resources to collaborations of local food system leaders.
Eligible applicants include:
- Farmers
- Food producers
- Food suppliers
- Food distributors
- Food industry partners
- Other food system partners
- Schools and school districts, including nonprofit private and charter schools that operate the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Programs
- Other organizations, including but not limited to community non-profit organizations, state and local governmental agencies, Tribes, Native American Tribal Organizations, institutions of higher education, and small businesses.
See the Spark and Innovation Collaborative Request for Applications (RFA) for a list of all eligible applicants.

Advancing Equity
We prioritize investments in communities that have experienced racism and discrimination and/or communities that have been historically underserved.
This includes:
- Black or African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Hispanic or Latine, Asian or Pacific Islander, or other people of color
- People who live in rural areas
- People with limited incomes
Innovation Hub Funding Eligibility:
How Does Farm-to-School Fit?

*School gardens and education can be included as components of a grant proposal but cannot be funded as the main project.