Partner: Youth/Young Leaders

Farmer in the School

Farmers visit classrooms to provide agricultural education for students

Hands-on Farm Field Trips

On a farm field trip, students participate in the harvest of crops, such as potatoes, which are then brought back to the school and incorporated into a school meal.

Invite Students and Families to Participate

Gather information on student’s cultures through surveys, focus groups, etc., to determine what foods and meals are most desired. Gather family recipes, and then, partner with the food industry to pilot changes to ensure new foods or meals will be accepted. Examples  Resources 

Menu Audit 

Identify where local foods are already incorporated or where local foods could easily be incorporated into a current menu. Project includes opportunities to include student perspectives and opinions in audit plans/metrics.

School Wellness Policy

School wellness policies, which can include local procurement goals as well as nutrition education, are written documents that guide a school district’s efforts to support an environment of healthy eating. Project includes opportunities to incorporate a committee of students into school policy initiatives (i.e.– student council).

Student Recipe Competition

Students in culinary class have a competition to create a recipe to be standardized and featured on the school menu.

Student Seedlings

Students start seedlings in the classroom, which are then sent to local farms. Once harvested, the produce returns to the school.

Taste Tests

Provide samples of local foods for students to try. If students like the item, work with the food industry to incorporate it into future meals.