Around the World Menu
Work with a food industry partner to regularly feature meals from different places around the world.
Create Culturally Relevant Teaching Kitchens
Purchase kitchen equipment, such as rice makers, tortilla presses, induction cookers, combi ovens and woks, which will enable kitchens to make culturally relevant meals. Feature the meals they develop on the school menu.
Host a Local Tribal Farm to School Conference
Support American Indian/Alaskan Native farmers, food service directors, teachers, and youth in planning and implementing a Tribal Farm to School Conference, where partners can share their best practices for getting local, culturally relevant foods into schools.
Invite Students and Families to Participate
Gather information on student’s cultures through surveys, focus groups, etc., to determine what foods and meals are most desired. Gather family recipes, and then, partner with the food industry to pilot changes to ensure new foods or meals will be accepted. Examples Resources
Seasoning Bar
Work with a food industry partner to offer a “seasoning bar” or “flavor station” with culturally relevant, salt-free herbs and spices. Example Resources
Student Recipe Competition
Students in culinary class have a competition to create a recipe to be standardized and featured on the school menu.
Taste Tests
Provide samples of local foods for students to try. If students like the item, work with the food industry to incorporate it into future meals.
Use Promotional Day Serves to Highlight Local Foods
Work with the food industry on promotional serves such as Women’s History Month, Black History Month or Hispanic Heritage Month could highlight a specific local food.